Category: Art
Mural Imperative Launches
I’m hoping to start something new with this channel. While I’ve been doing pour painting for a few years, I find the process to be mesmerizing and fulfilling, so I want to highlight and share that as much as possible.
Mountains at sunrise
I bought an iPad Pro solely for Procreate, supposedly THE painting program. It’s pretty good. According to the program, this took 9 hours, and that feels about right. Most of that time was learning the program and trying the different blend modes and brushes. as you can see in the time lapse below (awesome feature).…
An attempted break to draw
For the last month or so, I’ve found myself easily swayed (mostly by the Giant Bombcast) into buying new, full-price games. Some quick thoughts on those: Stellaris: It started so promising, then the mid-game hit and progress slowed to a crawl for me. It also seem to have performance issues when in combat, which seems bizarrely unoptimized…